Movie Muggin
A Father & Son Podcast, but NOT a family show. Drop in for the movie, stay for a good time. #Explicit
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Sunday Nov 10, 2019
Sunday Nov 10, 2019
In this week's installment of Movie Muggin, Vince and Jack take you deep into the Matrix, and by deep, we mean shallow. Listen in as the boys talk The Matrix and get sidetracked a time or two.....or three.
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Every now and then, you have to watch a kick-ass shoot 'em up movie, not because they are great movies, but because, well, they're kick-ass! Listen in as the boys talk 1995's Desperado.
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
Thursday Oct 31, 2019
It's the Halloween addition to the Movie Muggin Halloween Spectacular! Jack's been waiting for this one and he dares to pick a movie that he's never seen. Good idea or would Jack like a do-over? Tune in to find out, and Happy Halloween Movie Muggers!
Sunday Oct 27, 2019
Sunday Oct 27, 2019
Well.....this was a tough movie to explain, even for an in-depth podcast that's 2 hours long, so it was certainly a struggle for THE Premier Shallow Movie Review Podcast out there. We had fun though, as always, plus we got to say the "C" word quite a bit. So tune in as Vince and Jack try to break down Memento, but mainly just have some fun.
Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
Vince and Jack LOVE Zombies, and the fact that they'd never seen this movie before is a straight up travesty! Well they have now and Oh.....My.....Gosh....! Listen in as the boys talk Train to Busan while trying to fight off their post-movie anxiety.
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
If you've been listening for awhile, you know that Episode #21 is somewhat of a big one for us. #21EpisodeChallenge So why did we pick Sixteen Candles for this momentous occasion? You're gonna have to tune in to find out.
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
Thursday Oct 17, 2019
I mean, if you're going to do scary movies for the month of October, you can't not do the classic of all Halloween classics - John Carpenter's Halloween (1978). It was Vince's favorite scary movie as a kid, but does it stand the test of time? Tune in to find out.
Sunday Oct 13, 2019
Sunday Oct 13, 2019
Don't get used to it, but the boys actually picked a relevant movie this week. You've heard other's takes on Joker, now listen to the opinions that really matter - Vince and Jack's.
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
It's the Movie Muggin Halloween Spectacular! The Horror Genre is Jack's favorite genre, so you would expect a banger when it comes his pick, and you know what? Jack delivers! So FOLLOW along as the boys talk It Follows.
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
THIS.....was a fun one! Listen in as the boys chat the cult classic - Napoleon Dynamite. Seriously, stop what you're doing, go fix yourself a dang quesadilla, and tune in to episode #19. Just don't forget to bow to your sensei first. Oh yeah, and Vote for Pedro!
A Father & Son Podcast, but NOT a family show. Drop in for the movie, stay for a good time. #Explicit
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