Movie Muggin

A Father & Son podcast, but NOT a family show. Drop in for the movie, stay for a good time. #ExplicitAF

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Sunday Jun 27, 2021

Oh what a lovely day!  In celebration of our 2 year podcasting anniversary, yep, we've been doing this for 2 years now, Vince picks a sure thing.  So listen in as the boys talk Mad Max: Fury Road, and other stuff; like the world record for sex and the nice young lady who set it.  Thanks for listening!

Sunday Jun 20, 2021

In this episode, we welcome back super fan Gary from Oklahoma, play the sickest "Would You Rather" game of all time, make up a new word and definition for Urban Dictionary and talk Popstar: Never Stop Stopping.  It's a good one, so treat your ears.  

Sunday Jun 13, 2021

In this episode of Movie Muggin, Vince picks a movie that he believes will check all of Jack's boxes as far as movies go.  Was he able to do the impossible?  You know what to do.  It's Episode #113 - I Saw The Devil

Episode #112 - Hard Boiled

Sunday Jun 06, 2021

Sunday Jun 06, 2021

Fresh off the "Make Us Cry" Episode, Jack goes right back to his movie comfort zone for his pick.  Does that mean it's a crappy shoot em' up movie?  Well.....yes, yes it does.  Tune in as the boys talk Hard Boiled.

Episode #111 - Inside Out

Sunday May 30, 2021

Sunday May 30, 2021

It's the "Make Us Cry" episode!  You picked it, we watched it, but did we shed a tear?  The best way to find out is to treat your ears to some Vince and Jack as they talk - Inside Out.  Another way would be to track us down and torture it out of us, but seriously, who has time for such things? 

Sunday May 23, 2021

If Chuck Norris thought about making a podcast, it would be #1 on the charts before he even thought it, but since the legendary badass doesn't have a podcast yet, you might as well tune in to ours, especially this one as we talk Lone Wolf McQuade, starring the guy who can lift up a chair with one hand, while he's sitting in it.  That's right, Chuck Norris.  

Sunday May 16, 2021

What's better than a xenomorph bursting out of your stomach?  Pretty much everything, but especially another fresh episode from Movie Muggin.  So treat your ears as the boys talk Alien Covenant and as usual, so much more that has nothing to do with the movie.

Sunday May 09, 2021

Hey ho, let's go!  Hey ho, let's go!  Where are we going?  Rock 'n' Roll High School baby.  Everybody's gonna be there, like Riff Randell, Kate Rambeau, Eaglebauer, Principal Togar and a punk rock band named The Ramones.  So what about you?  You coming?

Episode #107 - Nobody

Sunday May 02, 2021

Sunday May 02, 2021

Vince has proven that you can be a badass into your fifties, but does it work on the big screen?  Well, you can go see for yourself, or you can tune in as two nobodies talk about Nobody.  Whatever you decide, just know it's all good

Sunday Apr 25, 2021

What do you do in the shadows?  You listen to Movie Muggin, don't you?  Well, if for some reason you don't, you should, especially for this episode because you'd be in the shadows listening to us talk about What We Do In The Shadows, which is ironic or something, and who doesn't want to be ironic?

Movie Muggin

A Father & Son Podcast, but NOT a family show.  Drop in for the movie, stay for a good time.  #Explicit

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