Movie Muggin

A Father & Son podcast, but NOT a family show. Drop in for the movie, stay for a good time. #ExplicitAF

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Episode #144 - Cobra

Sunday Jan 16, 2022

Sunday Jan 16, 2022

It took us 144 episodes to get to a Stallone film.  Ladies and Gentlemen, we bring you - Cobra.  So throw on your shades, pop open a Coors, cut a slice of pizza with some scissors and listen in as the boys talk about the movie some, but more about other stuff.
Thanks so much for listening!
www.moviemuggin.comInsta and Twitter

Sunday Jan 09, 2022

It's episode #143, and this one is dedicated to our super fan Erik from California, but that doesn't mean that you can't listen to it also.  So grab those earbuds or crank up the car stereo and listen in as the crazy stupid boys talk Crazy Stupid Love and as usual, some other off topic and inappropriate stuff.
Happy Birthday Erik!
Thanks for listening!
www.moviemuggin.comInsta and Twitter

Lobby Time X: The A-Sides

Sunday Jan 02, 2022

Sunday Jan 02, 2022

Ladies and gentlemen, due to Jack's busy holiday schedule, I gave him the week off from our usual recording session.  However, we wouldn't dream of leaving our listeners hanging by not releasing an episode.  So for your listening pleasure, Movie Muggin proudly presents, "Lobby Time X - The A-Sides"
Happy New Year!
www.moviemuggin.comInsta and Twitter

Sunday Dec 26, 2021

It's the Grand Finale of this year's Movie Muggin Film Stripping Crossover Extravaganza BonanzaPalooza and sadly, perhaps the last ever.  What better way to end this thing, and send The Film Stripping Podcast into retirement than a Jack pick?  Quite frankly, there is no better way.  So listen in as the boys talk Scott Pilgrim vs. The World and then head on over to Film Stripping and do the same.
Thanks for listening!
www.moviemuggin.comInsta and Twitter

Sunday Dec 19, 2021

Here we go yo, here we go yo, so the scenario is, it's week 3 of the Movie Muggin Film Stripping Crossover Extravaganza BonanzaPalooza, and Erica from the Film Stripping Podcast has made her pick.  It's 1996's Independence Day.
Happy Holidays everybody!
www.moviemuggin.comInsta and Twitter
Got a question for Jack?  Hit us up. 

Episode #140 - Cry-Baby

Sunday Dec 12, 2021

Sunday Dec 12, 2021

It's week 2 of the Movie Muggin Film Stripping Crossover Extravaganza BonanzaPalooza!  This week Vince rolls with the John Water's classic - Cry-Baby, starring the handsome Johnny Depp.  So grab your favorite drape or square, pop in your earbuds and give it a listen.  Then, treat your ears again and check out Film Stripping's Cry-Baby episode.
www.moviemuggin.comInsta and Twitter 

Sunday Dec 05, 2021

It's December and that means it's time for the Movie Muggin Film Stripping Crossover Extravaganza Bonanzapalooza.  This week's pick (The Raid: Redemption), is courtesy of Co-Captain Chris from the Film Stripping Podcast.
www.moviemuggin.comInsta and Twitter

Thursday Nov 25, 2021

Well of course we released an episode on Thanksgiving because we know listening to Movie Muggin with the family during this day of thanks has become a tradition in many households.  So tune in as the boys talk Snakes on a Plane.  Also, Happy Thanksgiving to all, except for that one guy that we are going to talk about shortly.
www.moviemuggin.comInsta and Twitter

Episode #137 - Blade II

Sunday Nov 21, 2021

Sunday Nov 21, 2021

Guns, knives, swords, bombs, martial arts and blood.  That's right, it's a typical Jack pick, which is fitting, because it's his birthday today!  So in honor of his 21st birthday, we ask that you listen to this episode 21 times, then tell 21 people about us and then head on over to and buy Jack 21 pizzas.  Thank you in advance :-)
It's episode #137 - Blade II
www.moviemuggin.comInsta and Twitter  

Episode #136 - Guns Akimbo

Sunday Nov 14, 2021

Sunday Nov 14, 2021

We teased it last week, and with the help of Amy's ripper, we deliver today.  We also watched a Jack pick on a Vince week.  So tune in as the boys talk - Guns Akimbo and more, including gimp talk and a public service announcement on mental health.
www.moviemuggin.comInsta and Twitter

Movie Muggin

A Father & Son Podcast, but NOT a family show.  Drop in for the movie, stay for a good time.  #Explicit

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